Registration terms and fees

Registration terms and fees
Registration is open from April, 13 to June 30, 2023

Registration terms

3-days registration

3 days registration includes participation to the three main days of conferences on July 4, 5 and 6, lunches, the welcome cocktail on Monday evening and the gala dinner on Wednesday evening.

Other registration

You can also choose to attend only one or two days of the conference. In this case, only lunches are included (and the welcome cocktail on Monday if you attend two days including Tuesday).


As an option (additionnal fee), you can participate in a specialized workshop on Monday, July 3, and in a technical tour on Friday, July 7. You can also register an accompanying person.

Registration fees

*The speaker discount can only be granted to one speaker per oral or poster presentation.
**Members include members of the ZABR, members of the partner associations and organizations

Should you benefit from an invitation or a special rate, please use your paper number, guest code or membership number to register online.
  • For 6 people registered for 3 days, the 7th registration is free!
  • Contact us at to benefit from the group rate

General terms & conditions

Le Graie est une association loi 1901, non assujettie à la TVA - T.V.A. non applicable (Selon l'article 261, 7-1° du code général des impôts).

Terms of payment

You must register online, whichever method of payment you choose.
  • by online payment, via the Novatech online registration form (secured system)
  • by bank transfer in euros
    IBAN: FR76 1680 7004 0000 1019 4528 435
Only French bank checks can be accepted (payable to Graie).
Graie is a non profit organisation, not liable for V.A.T.

General terms

Registration terms:
Your registration will only be valid once we have received payment.
Cancellation terms and conditions:
  • Before May 13, 2023: full refund
  • From May 13 to June 13, 2023: 100€ will be withheld
  • After June 13, 2023: no refund; the abstract compendium will be sent to absentees and registration fees will still be due