- Auteurs
- Yannick Back, Florian Kretschmer, Michael Trojer, Manfred Kleidorfer
- Résumé court
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- Summary
- Climate change poses significant consequences that reduce the quality of life in cities and constitute a threat to urban dwellers. Adaptation measures such as multifunctional Blue-Green Infrastructure (BGI) are able to counter act increasing temperatures and more frequent and extreme heatwaves and precipitation events. Urban parks provide great enrichment for residents and a cool retreat during higher temperatures and, thus, represent a vital element in citywide adaptation strategies. In the project cool-INN, an urban park in the city of Innsbruck, Austria, was redesigned using BGIs to improve the cooling effect, quality of life and well-being during summer months. It also represents an experimental area for BGI implementation and assessment studies. Therefore, extensive measurements (climate and social monitoring) were conducted inside the redesigned park during summer 2022 to evaluate the effectiveness of implemented BGI. Results show that blue infrastructures create cool spots in the park, which are able to decrease the UTCI by 10 °C and show the lowest amount of heat days (max. daily temperature < 30°C) compared to other locations in the park comprising vegetation, pervious and sealed surfaces. Social monitoring results coincide with monitored and calculated climate data, showing that park visitors preferably stay near the water features. Both the social and climate monitoring clearly indicate, that accessible and perceptible blue infrastructure can increase micro- and bioclimatic conditions and provide significant benefit to life quality at district level.
- Mots-clés
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